Saturday, January 28, 2006


Caught the little bugger

This little red squirrel was getting on my roof and then into my attic. A while back a friend of his was doing the same thing. However he was hauling walnuts and storing them in the attic. I've fixed the hole but now this new guy has found a new hole!??

As an added benefit, I actually saw him walk into the live trap! Once in there, he rattled around like a marble in a coffee cup. They are so quick that they seem to be in two places at once.

He has a new home now. I'm glad it is warm this January so that he has time to find new "digs". They are fun to watch but they sure can be destructive.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


A real January thaw

The weatherman tells us that it will be 46 degrees by 3 this afternoon. Other sources are more optimistic and are predicting 50. One fellow plans to play a round of golf. January warmth like this is unpresidented. Officials tell us that this is the warmest January ever recorded in Minnesota.

Lake Winona usually would have about 2 feet of ice on it. There would be a scattering of ice houses and pickups parked near the "hot" fishing spots. But today, the lake threatens to open up, that is, become ice free. The Mississippi river has been open all month. People have launched their boats and have got in a little fishing.

Usually ice houses have to be off the lake by March 1. Maybe the middle of January would have been better this year. Notice that the ice house is sinking in the punky ice. No, I don't know how the owner will get it off the ice. He is required to do so however.


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